© Astrid Volquardsen
The last weeks we were in England and Wales to go camping and hiking. The first couple of days were spent in London where we did find a lovely camping site. Also lovely were our camping comrades, very cute and as we found out later, bold squirrels.
On the campsite were signs which pointed out that the squirrels loooove food and that it shouldn’t be left in the tents. We took care of that but were somehow foolish regarding our chocolate spread. One day we found the glass opened, half emptied and the other half spread accross the tent. ( I wonder if that is the reason why it’s called chocolate spread…?)
Our Dutch camping neighbours told us, that they saw them the other day escaping with their bred.
The campsite had also put up a warning that the foxes who roame around, love shoes. We took that one very serouisly…
Meine Garrett die WunderHund würde gerne einige Eichhörnchen zum Mittagessen. Mit oder ohne Nutella.
Astrid Volquardsen
Hi Sam,
yes, he would have had his fun with them….
Hallo Astrid,
mein Mann und ich haben uns sehr über euren tierischen Bericht gefreut.
Danke Sonja
Hallo Astrid,
gute Gesschichte und tolle Bilder. Ich haffe Ihr habt einen schönen Urlaub und drücken Euch die Daumen für Euren Vortrag über Blogs u.a. in Hamburg.
Beste Grüße – FRank
Brian McGurgan
Sounds like a wonderful trip, Astrid! My wife Kyoko and I were sitting in the park near our apartment last night and had a crowd of squirrels demanding food after Kyoko gave one some of her sandwich. Cute but persistent animals! We'll be in Germany next Saturday and are really looking forward to it.
Astrid Volquardsen
Hi Brian,
yes these fellows can be very persistant. Have a nice journey to Germany!