© Marc Volquardsen
Wo bleiben die warmen Tage? Es ist Mai und mit 8 Grad viel zu kalt. Die Segler haben an der Flensburger Förde schon lange die Saison eröffnet und deren Segel bieten ein malerisches Motiv. Ab und zu ließ sich die Sonne blicken und meine Seele tanzte vor Freude, weil ich diesen Augenblick am Fördestrand so sehr genossen habe.
© Marc Volquardsen
Brian McGurgan
Looks like a beautiful place to work, Astrid, and your pastel is wonderful – despite the cold and wind!
Jala Pfaff
What is this Astrid magic, to be able to make paintings like this–and while standing in the cold, too?
Astrid Volquardsen
Hi Brian
yes, it is a beautiful place to work and I can't wait to get back when it's warmer.
By the way, it's great that you're coming to Germany.Hessen is a beautiful place.
Hi Jala,
well thanks for the Astrid magic, but you didn't see the pictures from the other day where the magic stayed somewhere, but not on my pastell….:-)
Isn't being outdoors the best? It infuses the piece with a special something. Could you show us this piece up close?
Always an admirer,
Casey Klahn
I admire the amount of finish you bring to this.